Beginning in January each year, trainees who decide to participate will receive, each quarter, 9 new questions and up to 4 additional questions that are identical or very similar to questions you previously answered. The questions cover the 10 major exam categories (Basic Science, Therapy, Cardiovascular, Endocrine, Gastrointestinal, Genitourinary, Musculoskeletal, Neurology, Oncology, and Pulmonary). All questions will be multiple-choice, and many will have images.
You will receive an email with a link to the questions at the beginning of each quarter, and you must answer all questions by the end of the quarter. You may answer one question at a time, all of the questions at one time, or any combination in between.
Once you open a question you will typically have 5 minutes to submit your answer. You must answer the question within the allotted time. An unanswered question is scored as an incorrect response. You can use the Internet and other educational resources to answer questions, but you may not consult other people.
Immediately after answering each question, you will receive a critique that indicates the correct answer, and includes a key learning point, a brief review of the topic, an explanation why the options were correct or incorrect, and one or more references.
You can use any device connected to the Internet to view and answer the questions, but cellphones are not recommended because their size makes it difficult to view images and other data.